Free Hot Dogs on the Plane is a Brilliant Client Retention Idea
The most amazing thing happened to me this weekend.
I was flying with my wife from New York to Minneapolis via Sun Country Airlines, a carrier I’ve never heard of before. We were running late for our early morning flight, and I was stressed, hungry and under-caffeinated. The plane was packed solid and we were shoved way in the back row, subject to turbulence, an interminable bathroom queue, and surrounded by no fewer than 47 shrieking infants. Needless to say, my usually cheery demeanor took the back seat as well – I was not a happy camper.
Then the flight attendant came by, and asked if we wanted hot dogs.
Yes, that’s right, hot dogs. Big, all-beef ones with ketchup and mustard, free for everyone on board.
This is frikkin’ brilliant!
What does Sun Country get in return for this incredibly modest gesture? For one thing, they instantly set themselves apart from other airlines, including the “majors” who claim poverty as an excuse for cutting back services and amenities while jacking up their prices and making flying more inconvenient.
In an era where airlines charge you to check bags and sit in exit rows, where pillows and complimentary food service are only a faint memory, this small, budget-priced airline with limited regional service and otherwise no discernable features gives out free hot dogs mid-flight.
How much do you think those hot dogs cost? I’m assuming that each dog is way less than the $6 each I paid at Yankee Stadium last week. Bought in bulk with the buns, I bet you could feed all 150 passengers on the plane for no more than $2 per person, in fact probably way less – so let’s conservatively estimate it’s $300 per flight, max. Now this airline charges $25 per bag, which means that the first 12 bags checked will cover the hot dog costs. Or better yet, they charge $150 to upgrade from coach to First Class – which means 2 upgrades will cover the dogs. Time spent for the crew to nuke and pass out the dogs is time they would be working anyway, since the plane’s already in the air – so it’s no additional expense there. Any way you look at it, the airline made a strategic decision to sacrifice a fraction of their per-flight revenue, in order to provide something awesome for their customers.
I will remember this airline’s name, and tell people upon landing (as well as in this subsequent blog post) something highly memorable about an otherwise completely routine, even uncomfortable flying experience – after all, it’s hard to be unhappy when you’ve got a hot dog.
This will lead to Sun Country getting positive buzz – something you don’t hear much about from airlines these days – as well as referrals from people like me who love the hot dog idea.
As a business owner or manager, are you thinking of simple, low-cost ways to add value to the service your company provides, in order to make the experience more memorable, positive and impactful among your clients? Are you trying out new tactics to help retain these loyal clients, as well as build word-of-mouth credibility to attract new ones? Why or why not? What are some other ideas you can share below?