Press Release – TrivWorks Helps Raise Funds and Awareness for the American Cancer Society

PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 11 November 2011               TrivWorks Helps Raise Funds and Awareness for the American Cancer Society New York, New York – Since 2009, David Jacobson has been revolutionizing the event planning industry in NYC with the most unique and exciting corporate events New York has ever seen. By integrating teamwork and…

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5 Tips to Make Your Office Holiday Party More Meaningful

Holiday season is around the corner, and if you’re a company owner or manager of the HR department, you are likely planning your holiday party in earnest (or planning to plan it, anyway). One refrain I keep hearing over and over again from people inquiring about NYC holiday party entertainment is, “how can we make…

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Note to Trivia Hosts: Beware the Hot Mic Gaffe

You would think in this day and age, after so many famous “hot mic” gaffes, that people who routinely speak in public would know better. Yet as news of yesterday’s open mic flub involving US President Obama and France’s President Sarkozy clearly demonstrated, even world leaders in 2011 are susceptible to saying something embarrassing, unintended…

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Friday Fun: 10 Pop Culture Trivia Questions About Wall Street

I’m trying something new today, in the spirit of keeping workplaces fun and helping everyone end the workweek on a positive note. Rather than writing one of my usual posts about trivia team building, corporate entertainment or brand engagement activities, here are 10 pop culture trivia questions inspired by the news of the week, which…

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Win VIP Tickets to “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire!”

In a very special event, we are thrilled to announce that our friends from the television game show Who Wants To Be A Millionaire will be on-hand at next week’s trivia night at Social Bar & Lounge in Manhattan, to present a very special prize to our winning team: VIP tickets to attend an upcoming…

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Confessions of a Professional NYC Trivia Host

I’ve been a professional trivia host in New York City for over 5 years, and have loved every second of it. NYC is arguably the world’s greatest trivia town, and I’ve been fortunate enough to have produced a wide variety of bar trivia nights, trivia fund raisers, private corporate events and public brand awareness events…

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Why Every Day is Halloween in Workplaces with Low Morale

It’s Halloween today, and if your office is like many here in New York City you’ve made sure to fill the workplace with cobwebs, pumpkins and other themed decorations. Depending on your company’s policies, staff may also be wearing costumes as well, to an acceptable degree. You may think that Halloween only comes once a…

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Selling Points at Bar Trivia Night is Bad Business

Some rather disappointing news was recently brought to my attention. It seems that one of the Manhattan bar trivia nights I helped found has taken on a new tactic, in an effort to drum up business. Their new deal is simple: buy a pitcher of beer, and get a point added to your team’s score.…

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How to Idiot-Proof Your Office Holiday Party

My wife and I are expecting our first child this winter, and in preparation we are taking one of those “Welcome to Childbirth & Parenthood” classes. The most recent session took a merciful detour from placentas and swollen ankles to cover how to care for an infant, where among other things we learned the rudiments…

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Should Corporate Team Building Activities be Mandatory?

Here’s one I haven’t quite got worked out yet. The whole point of a corporate team building activity is to get a work group to function better: to improve communication, boost morale & trust, and practice positive teamwork skills which may be put to use back in the office. But if this is imposed on…

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TrivWorks Delivers the Hottest Company Team Building Trivia Events in NYC

Are you looking for an exciting alternative to staff meetings that can help improve productivity and boost morale? Are you looking for a fun and exciting way to reward your employees while still maintaining professionalism and unity throughout your team? There are a variety of different event planning companies in the area that promise excellent…

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