Posts by David
10 Questions Your Boss Has About the Corporate Event Entertainment Vendor
So you’ve been assigned the unglamorous task of identifying options for the upcoming corporate event’s entertainment. Whether it’s an employee team building activity, holiday party, client entertainment function or brand awareness event, in the end it all boils down to you spending a lot of time asking friends and colleagues for recommendations, trolling through Google,…
Read MoreTrivia Questions For: Keith Ferrazzi, Professional Relationship Thought Leader & Brand Marketing Expert
As part of our new “Trivia Questions For…” interview series, I am thrilled to have caught up with Keith Ferrazzi, acclaimed thought leader and expert in professional relationship development. Called to be one of the world’s most “connected” individuals by Forbes and Inc., Keith’s New York Times bestselling books Never Eat Alone and Who’s Got…
Read MoreClean Up Your Act! 5 Ways Quizmasters can be More Professional
Before starting my own corporate event entertainment and employee team building trivia company, I spent 5 years cutting my teeth as a bar trivia host in New York City. As you can likely imagine, the level of expectation of a quizmaster from a room full of bar patrons who are out at the local well…
Read MoreLive Trivia Team Size: What’s Best for Team Building?
For groups using live trivia as a team building activity, probably the most frequently asked question is, “What kind of trivia is used?” A close second, however, is this one: “How many people are on each team?” While many factors of customizing employee entertainment events depend on the individual preferences of the group, this is…
Read MoreIf They Had Subway Announcements in the Workplace
For those of us who live in big cities, subways are a way of life. If you’re in New York City, then you are familiar with the ubiquitous automated announcements which intrude on your reading, talking or deep thoughts while riding the rails or waiting on the platform. Depending on the “mood” of the train…
Read More6 Tips for Keeping Morale High When You’re Short-Staffed
My wife is one of 8 teachers at her school who are pregnant. Everyone thinks it’s amazing- except her principal, who will soon find himself significantly short-staffed. What is he to do? While substitute teachers can be brought in, they are not familiar with the classes, students or the school itself, and will require training…
Read MoreAn Ode to School Teachers – The Saviors of Trivia Night
As office workers reluctantly put another Labor Day weekend behind them, another group of hard-working people who have just had a well-earned 2-month summer break also must come to grips with returning to the workplace. They are of course school teachers, the shepherds of our young, who must get up at the crack of dawn…
Read More10 Frequently Unasked Questions about Trivia Team Building
When it comes to trivia team building, people typically have the same questions: “how does this work?” “What kind of trivia?” “Is this like a game show?” “Do people play individually or in teams?” You get the idea. Having produced so many of these events, however, I’ve found that people still have plenty of questions…
Read MoreIs Nostalgic Pop Culture Dead?
As we head into the Labor Day weekend, I thought I’d take a break from my musings on workplace morale, corporate entertainment and employee team building to look at the creative side of our trivia business, which relies at its heart on pop culture. People the world over love pop culture, and follow it ravenously:…
Read More30 Ways to Make Workspaces Better, More Welcoming & Foster Teamwork
Look around your office- what do you see? Odds are that unless you work at a hip start-up flush with young talent and IPO cash, you’re still using the same staid, boring and uninspiring cubicle-office layout introduced decades ago, which has been shown to de-motivate employees and hinder teamwork. Sprucing up the physical workspace for…
Read MoreShould You Serve Alcohol at a Corporate Team Building Event?
The activity is planned, the venue is booked, and the Outlook calendar invitation has been sent out. However, one lingering question remains: do you or do you not serve alcohol to your staff at the team building event? This is something which comes up frequently in my area, seeing how using trivia as a corporate…
Read MoreThe Biggest Challenge Quizmasters Face
Quizmasters in New York City, Albuquerque, London or Tokyo all face similar challenges: writing challenging trivia questions, producing fun and engaging events, partnering with appropriate venues, and dealing with all that comes with working with people. However, there exists above all else one large, looming obstacle which the brave men and women at the trivia…
Read MoreTeam Trivia as an Orientation Activity: Fordham University Case Study
This past week, we had the honor of working once again with Fordham University’s Graduate School of Business Administration (GBA) to create a fun & engaging orientation activity for their incoming class. What makes a school orientation event unique is that unlike using trivia for team building or corporate party entertainment, where attendees typically know…
Read More15 Pop Culture Trivia Questions About Hurricanes
The wrath of Hurricane Irene is about to hit us here in New York City, and we’re all soon to lose power. Before that happens, here’s some fun pop culture trivia about hurricanes and thunderstorms for you to enjoy- or to print out and quiz whomever you’re holed up with as you ride out the…
Read More50 Ways to Entertain Yourself When Stuck Inside Without Power
Indoor Team Building Games, NYC Many of us here in New York City remember the Great Blackout of 2003, which while hot and inconvenient, still provided great opportunities to be outside, socialize and enjoy the life pause it offered. With Hurricane Irene, however, when the power goes out we will all be stuck indoors, without…
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