Why New York City Team Building Events Are Tops
New York City corporate team building events are awesome. That may seem like a rather broad, stereotypical NYC-centric statement, but it’s true. Our city is really like no other in terms of diversity, density and sheer variety of options for truly everything imaginable, and team building activities are no exception.
Prior to starting a professional live trivia company, I had the unique pleasure of working for two years with one of the city’s best scavenger hunt companies – yes, there are scavenger hunt companies in New York! These events were so much fun for participants, but were even more fun for me, who’s job it was to write & produce them. At my disposal? A city with so many museums, parks, zoos, landmarks and historical sites, I was like a kid in a candy store. I ultimately decided that live trivia events were more convenient and customizable for team building purposes, but the fact remains that NYC is just a perfect place for scavenger hunts.
New York City is perhaps also the greatest food town in America. If you love to eat great food from a variety of cultures, this is the place to do it- and you’d better believe there are options for food-related team building. Competitive cooking can be found at culinary schools and specially-designed lofts, and with so many star chefs and “foodies” jammed into this city, you can be certain that some of the biggest names in the business are willing to open up their famous kitchens for the ultimate food lover’s cooking experience (for a price, of course- but the option remains none the less).
Speaking of stars, let’s also not forget that many celebrities of all stripes live and work in New York City, making them available for appearances at events – which are suddenly more impactful and memorable. Of course, for the ultimate in employing celebrities for team building purposes, they should do more than simply attend, but should actively engage with the audience somehow – serving as a special celebrity host at a trivia event, perhaps?
Manhattan island also happens to be surrounded by water, creating even more possibilities for team building – competitive rowing, sailing, kayaking, even swimming (for those who dare). For the ultimate group bonding experience, there’s also the Polar Bear Club, but I wouldn’t recommend it.
While there is absolutely a thriving presence of both team building professionals and enthusiasts in other cities, in my opinion no place beats the Big Apple for corporate team building in terms of sheer variety of activities, range of experiences and overall convenience of choice among many, many options.
Do you think that your city has got New York beat by a mile as far as team building goes? Sound off here! The comments section awaits you.