Encourage Employee Work Life Balance

Work balance is increasingly important to your team.  Millennial employees are especially interested in balancing their work obligations and home life.  Attracting and retaining a highly productive and creative team means encouraging employee work life balance.

Ultimately your organization is not responsible for the work balance of your employees.  The policies, decisions and expectations you bring to the workplace, however, can encourage a healthy balance of work and personal interests for your team.

  • Provide a Flexible Work Schedule:  Use technology to create opportunities to telecommute or work remotely.  Offer your team the flexibility to adjust their work schedule as needed.  Flexible start and end times and virtual work scenarios help employees stay involved with family and friends while being productive.
  • Model Good Balance:  Your team sees how you work and adjusts their actions to mirror yours.  Make sure you are really on vacation when you are on vacation.  Stay away from email.  Don’t call in for unimportant meetings.  Give them the unspoken permission to enjoy time away too.
  • Sponsor Fun Events and Activities:  Encourage your employees to have fun together.  Schedule team building events, employee and family events, and family appropriate company sponsored charity events.  Encourage the relationships that keep your team focused and effective at work.

At TrivWorks we understand the value of fun in the workplace.  Our events are designed to keep everyone entertained while providing the relaxed social setting that builds relationships.  Contact TrivWorks at (855) 874-8967 for a comprehensive consultation. Let our trivia events provide a casual, relaxed atmosphere of fun for you and your team.

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