Want to Keep Your Best Employees? Keep it Casual

Despite the relatively high unemployment numbers out there, most organizations know it’s becoming more difficult to recruit and hire qualified employees.  Your best strategy is to retain your top staff and reduce or eliminate your need to recruit.  How do you do that?  The key to retaining your best employees is providing an enjoyable work environment.

Studies show that as baby boomers are replaced with millennials in the workplace salary and benefits are not enough to retain top staff.  Highly qualified professionals in their 20’s and 30’s would rather have no job at all then spend time in a work environment they hate.  It’s important you create an environment that’s fun and engaging as well as productive if you want to keep your top staff.

Casual work activities go a long way to building the meaningful, friendly relationships and creative atmosphere that gives your organization an edge.  Worried about productivity?  Don’t be.  Creative atmospheres spark creativity in employees.  Happy people are naturally more productive.  Competitive companies find the best work often comes out of a casual conversation or friendly interaction among employees.

Replacing cubicles with interesting furniture and a variety of interactive areas keeps everyone energized.  With mobile technology, you may find your best employees are most productive at home or at a coffee shop for part of their week.  Casual team activities and hanging out after work build collaborative relationships your team can use to meet productivity goals.

Contact TrivWorks to discuss how our casual trivia events can help you create a creative, collaborative and highly productive work environment in your office.  (855) 874-8967

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