Tune In Today for BEA Twitter Trivia!

bookexpo.america.triviaBookExpo America (BEA), the leading North American publishing event, opens today in New York City, and it’s a big deal – I had the privilege of attending this massive annual convention many times during my tenure as director of adult education programs at the 92nd Street Y, and if you’re a lover of books like I am, there’s really nothing like it.

We’ll be tweeting fun book & literature-themed trivia all day today via our @TrivWorks Twitter feed in honor of the BEA, and hope you’ll participate! In addition to RTing the first correct respondent for each question, we welcome you to send us your own book-themed trivia questions, which we’ll also RT!

We’re also starting to prepare the questions for our just-announced July 24th trivia night this July at The Bell House in Brooklyn with host Pat Kiernan, longtime NY1 morning news anchor – the theme is “Pat Kiernan’s Summer Slam,” and in addition to the greatest summer movies, TV shows etc. we’re including trivia about the best summer books of all time. Please let us know your favorites by tweeting to us, or leaving a reply below!

Enjoy the trivia today – good luck!

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