No-Brainer Workplace Morale Booster: Marking Employment Anniversaries

This weekend is my 1-year wedding anniversary – wow, has it really been a year already? As such, I thought I’d close out the work week with a related topic, which I don’t believe receives sufficient attention in the area of workplace morale: the importance of recognizing staff employment anniversaries. It is, after all, the…

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A President’s Day Note of Compassion for Company Presidents

It’s President’s Day, and many offices are closed in honor of the holiday where we mark the unique sacrifices, challenges and successes of the 44 men who have helped guide our country to where it is today. Chances are good, however, that if you are the president of a company, then unlike your employees, you…

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Teambuilding with Experiential Marketing in NYC

For over thirty years researchers have studied the relationship between teamwork and employee satisfaction with productivity.  While theories have suggested that happy workers produce more, these studies provide quantitative proof that a company is more profitable if the employees feel they are a valued part of a team.  TrivWorks™, a firm which provides entertainment and…

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Can You Benefit from Experiential Marketing?

Large newspaper spreads and flashy TV commercials during a Super Bowl half-time are marketing venues available to only a few companies with large advertising budgets.  In spite of this businesses and entrepreneurs still manage to market their products and build brand recognition through innovative means.  If you are seeking a creative way to interact with…

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Innovative Firm Offers Experiential Marketing in New York

PRESS RELEASE   February 18, 2012 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New York, New York – The Big Apple has always been known for creativity and innovation and TrivWorks™, a marketing and entertainment firm founded in 2009, is one more example of this celebrated ingenuity.  As a result of the economic downturn many businesses were forced to…

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Work-Life Balance: A Priority That’s Worth the Effort

2011 was an absolutely incredible year for me – I got married, had a baby, and went off to work for myself, among other wonderful milestones both professional and personal. It’s everything I’ve ever wanted, and it’s just incredible. It’s also really, really hard. I don’t mean the responsibilities of marriage or fatherhood, nor the…

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What Kinds of Questions are Asked at a Trivia Team Building Event?

Whenever someone inquires as to what I do, invariably the same questions come up (that is, after they give a sort of blank look, followed by a variation of: “…Seriously?” Yes – I really do ask trivia questions for a living!) The most common things people want to know about using trivia as a team…

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“Why We Love NYC” Partner Spotlight: Wafels & Dinges

We are less than 2 weeks away from our just-added “Why We Love NYC” trivia night at the Bell House hosted by Pat Kiernan on February 27th, which we announced after our January 25th event quickly sold out (only a handful of tickets left for the February event as well, by the way – purchase…

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50 Causes of Decreased Workplace Productivity

This past December, following two years of careful building and preparation, I finally took the plunge and resigned from my full-time job to pursue my own business full-time. Readers of this blog also know that this past December, my wife and I had our first baby. Needless to say, life has been one of significant…

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Nobody Likes Boring Fund Raisers

When is the last time you either planned, produced or attended a fund raiser event for your organization, or a cause you are passionate about? Was the event fun? If it even remotely resembled a lot of fund raisers supporting nonprofit organizations, charities or other causes, my guess is that it wasn’t exactly a thrilling…

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What Would Happen if Your Entire Staff Quit Tomorrow?

I was reading a fun article in the New York Times yesterday about the training US Navy pilots undergo to bail out of doomed aircraft – which, of course, led me to think about how this related to corporate team building in NYC and elsewhere (alas, what doesn’t? Behold, the entrepreneur’s curse). For a long…

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Note to Managers: Employees Talk About Everything

Being my own boss has been a goal of mine for as long as I can remember. In December 2011, after over two years of careful planning and building, the time finally became right for me to leave my longtime job overseeing the adult education division at the 92nd Street Y in New York City,…

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