A Quizmaster is Born

Probably the most common question I am asked when people find out I own a trivia company is, “How did you get into this?” It’s a valid question, one that I’ve been asking myself for almost 5 years now. The answer? It just kind of happened. In the Summer of 2006, I was living on…

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Announcing 12/6 “Rock of Ages” Trivia Night at Social Bar!

This December, we are absolutely thrilled to be partnering with “Rock of Ages,” the smash-hit Broadway musical comedy, for a special 80s-themed trivia night at Social Bar & Lounge! In a night of ultimate 80s pop culture nostalgia, come test your knowledge of the people, products and of course music of the greatest decade of…

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Announcing 11/22 “Supernatural” Trivia Night at The Bell House

Next week, we are thrilled to be partnering with “Play Dead,” the new thriller off-Broadway show co-written & directed by Teller of Penn & Teller Fame, to present a special “Supernatural” themed trivia night at The Bell House! In addition to standard trivia night fare like pop culture and history, test your wits against a…

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New Brooklyn Trivia Night Announced at The Bell House

This fall, we are delighted to announce our newest bar trivia night – in Brooklyn! Beginning in October, we kick off a new monthly trivia night at The Bell House! Located in the heart of the artsy Gowanus neighborhood, The Bell House is one of Brooklyn’s hippest and most revered entertainment venues, hosting nightly music…

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TrivWorks Teams Up with New York Sportimes

We are delighted to announce a special event partnership with New York Sportimes, a professional tennis team part of World TeamTennis, at our weekly NYC trivia night at the Gael Pub! For the month of May, NY Sportimes has graciously donated tickets to see tennis superstars such as Serena Williams, James Blake, Andy Roddick, John…

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TriviaReviews.com Gives us an “A”!

Our Tuesday night trivia at the Gael Pub was recently awarded a solid “A” from our fellow NYC trivia hosts over at TriviaReviews.com, New York City’s most comprehensive source for pub quiz news and reviews! Nothing is more flattering than compliments from peers- we hope for a more in-depth review from these folks in the…

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