A Quizmaster is Born


Probably the most common question I am asked when people find out I own a trivia company is, “How did you get into this?” It’s a valid question, one that I’ve been asking myself for almost 5 years now. The answer?

It just kind of happened.

In the Summer of 2006, I was living on Manhattan’s Upper East Side and had just started my new job as a programming associate at The 92nd Street Y. A new Irish bar, The Gael Pub, had just opened nearby, and they began hosting a weekly “pub quiz”- a gimmick I’d never heard of, but which was apparently quite popular back in Ireland. I started going with friends- the host was humorous, the competition light (only about 6-7 other teams) and it was – well, it was just fun.

After several weeks, though, the host- who was being compensated with free reign of the bar- had a little too much and got into a fight (yes, a trivia night fight), and was subsequently removed from his post. His replacement the following week was extremely boring- she just read the questions & answers in a monotone voice, took forever to grade the answer sheets, and well- it was no longer fun.

My friends said to me, “Dave, you should be the host here- you’d be great at this!” Thinking of my flexible work schedule (I was working 12-8pm back then) as well as my proximity to the bar, I figured what the heck and gave the bartender my number. A few weeks later I got a call that I should come in; the bartender would provide the trivia questions, and I’d just need to read them out and keep score.

And so I did.

And I’ve been doing it ever since!

In my next post, I will discuss where things went from there.


  1. […] the summer of 2006, I found myself in a most unexpected position: working a weekly side gig as a “quizmaster” at a local UES Irish pub, while maintaining a full-time job. This side gig was quirky, not too […]

  2. […] the Summer of 2006, I unexpectedly landed a gig as the “quizmaster” at The Gael Pub, a new Irish pub on the UES that had recently begun a […]

  3. […] with “real” Irish bartenders, played my very first trivia night and, not long thereafter, embarked on an exhilarating, highly unexpected journey as a “quizmaster.” Almost 5 years and over 200 Gael Pub trivia nights later, I can look back on […]

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