The 7 Annoying People You Meet Hosting Trivia Nights

I read a great article yesterday posted on The Awl, entitled “The Seven Annoying Friends You Meet At Trivia Night.” The gist of the article, which every pub quiz enthusiast from Manhattan to Long Beach will enjoy, is that every trivia team has at least one or more characters who fit a certain mold- that mold being someone who, despite their best intentions, brings the event down in some way (the “compulsive Smartphone checker,” the guy who” reflexively shouts out the correct answer” etc.). I thought that this article was spot-on, and was glad to see someone stating what everyone who loves trivia nights knows, but does not say (a-la Jerry Maguire).

Thus was the inspiration for today’s blog post. Since most trivia night enthusiasts experience the event as participants, I thought it would be fun to paint a similar picture of the 7 annoying characters encountered by the trivia host:

1) The Complainer – This is the person who will always find something to gripe about, from the questions being too hard (or EASY-??!) to the air conditioning not being on high enough. In fact, even if everything is perfect and the other 99 people in the bar are having a great time, this person will find something – ANYTHING– to vent about to the hapless quizmaster.

2) The Nitpicker – Always seeking “points of clarification” and submitting answers which are “technically right,” this guy sucks the fun out of an event like a leech on a juicy love handle. For God’s sake, just relax and have some fun already!

3) The Loud Talker – Whether two feet away or on the other side of the bar, this person can’t seem to use their inside voice. Whether the host is announcing questions, answers or reading out draft numbers, this person is so wrapped up in whatever they’re talking about that they are completely oblivious to the trivia game going on. Take up smoking or something, just please- go outside.

4) The Drunk – Just because it’s Monday doesn’t mean you can’t get hammered. This inebriated fool will find his way to “the guy asking questions” and annoy him relentlessly, making half-mumbled comments about the trivia, the bar, the Mets or whatever else comes floating through his imbibed head.

5) The Rude Jerk – No “please,” no smile- just grabs a pen and answer sheet, throws down the completed questions without so much as a look in the eye, and leaves without saying goodbye. And this is after sitting within spitting distance of the host for 2 hours! You don’t have to be best friends with the quizmaster, but come on- at least acknowledge the existence of the guy entertaining you for the night.

6) The Solo Weirdo – You know this guy. He came into the bar alone, halfway through the event, and wants to play. His team name is “Team Tim” or something, and all of his answers are wrong. A bit socially awkward, he tries to strike up conversations with the host about trivia, in between trying to chat up the waitress about anything at all. Usually leaves somewhere before the final round – but typically waves goodbye when he does.

7) The Other, Superior Trivia Host – “Hey man, I’m Jimmy. I host a monthly trivia night at a dive bar in Paskataway. Have you ever done a ‘name that cold cut’ round? You should, dude.” Duly noted.

It should be said that vast majority of trivia night attendees are in fact smart, friendly, fun and engaging. However, for those of us who host bar trivia for the public, we’re bound to encounter at least one of the above at any given pub quiz. I should close by admitting that the person with highest chance of being labeled “annoying” at trivia night is the host – after all, he’s the guy talking the most, thinks he’s hilarious, and he’s got a microphone. Am I guilty of annoyance at trivia night? Perhaps. But hey- I’m clearly in good company.

Have you encountered any annoying people at quiz night? Tell us about them below!

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