Press Release: Employee Team Building In NYC Makes For a Happy Work Environment




April 20, 2012

New York, New York — TrivWorks’ unique live trivia hosting is a great way to foster employee team building in NYC and boost your employees’ spirits – making them more productive in the process. If you want to reward your staff and help create a stronger work environment, at the same time, a trivia event is just the thing your business needs. We have events that can fit into any company’s budget and they can be customized to ensure your employees get the most out of their evening.
When employees feel stressed and underappreciated, they don’t work as efficiently as they could. They dread coming into work and will sometimes find any tiny excuse to call in sick. Allow these feelings to spread across your workforce and it’ll cut into your business significantly, leading to costly employee turnover and lost customers. If you want to give your staff the morale boost they need, hold a live trivia event to build a sense of teamwork and purpose. This will let them know how much you value all their hard work.
Here at TrivWorks, we strive to offer you and your employees a fast paced, exciting, and memorable event that will be talked about long after it’s over. When we meet with you for your initial consultation, we can help you plan every aspect of the event from the breakdown of the teams so everything is balanced to what type of trivia questions to ask. The trivia questions are fully customizable for you. You can have general categories like history, movies, music, sports, and many others. We can also ask trivia questions about your company, including its history, company jokes, or any other facts you care to share with us.
A trivia contest lets your employees interact with each other in ways they normally wouldn’t. We do our best to get each team to work together and build skills that will help them in their day-to-day lives. Our event gives your staff a fun, competitive activity that everyone can do together which promotes teamwork and open communication. A live trivia event can be the perfect way to not only show your employees your appreciation, but also allow them to get to know their co-workers better. Your staff will bond and form new friendships, making them happier and productive.

About TrivWorks

TrivWorks was founded by David Jacobson in 2009. David started this company when he realized there was a need for event entertainment that was not only unique, but also engaging and fun for everyone involved. TrivWorks is the only company that specializes in live trivia events for corporate entertainment as well as employee team building in NYC. David has worked with many corporate clients and produced close to 400 trivia events. He is also responsible for monthly trivia nights at The Bell House in Gowanus, Brooklyn and Social Bar and Lounge in Times Square/Hell’s Kitchen. Contact us for more information about holding your own trivia event.

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