Stand Out with Experiential Marketing in NYC

Marketing studies indicate that a consumer must be exposed to a product numerous times before any significant level of brand recognition sets in, which explains the millions of dollars spent on television, print and billboard advertising.  While it can be difficult to measure the direct impact each ad has on sales, there is no denying that your company name will be eventually be recognized by a larger segment of society over an extended period of time.

However, your firm may not have the luxury of millions of dollars and unlimited time to allow traditional marketing to translate into sales.  Even if your advertising budget is extravagant, ads alone won’t drive the same level of customer loyalty as employing experiential marketing for your NYC based business.

Make Your Brand Stand Out

Every time people pick up a newspaper, turn on the television or listen to the radio they are bombarded with products and services vying for their attention.  Like many consumers, they have learned to tune out the competing messages, focusing only on those for which they have an immediate need.  So what happens if you are one of several companies offering similar products and services?  How do you compete without breaking your budget?  The answer many successful companies choose is to go offline with experiential marketing events which focused on a target market.

Experiential marketing is based on the principle that people learn better through personal experience. For most people it is easier to remember something they have done than something they have simply heard about. They may forget much of what they read about a product or company, but they will remember experiences involving the senses; how a product felt, smelled, performed and made them feel.  Incorporating experiential marketing in your NYC advertising strategy will improve customer loyalty much faster than any traditional method.

Relationships Sell

Since 2009 TrivWorks has been providing unique teambuilding, entertainment and experiential marketing for NYC firms.  They have conducted hundreds of events and their happy corporate clients come back repeatedly.  What is so unusual about TrivWorks is that they focus solely on trivia events.  The founder chose trivia as a medium because of the positive impact these fun, competitive activities have and the relationships they build between participants.

Basically, trivia contests are teambuilding events, and is there anyone you would like to team up with more than existing and new customers?  Once you have identified your target market, a company consultant will help you plan the entire event, from creating the games to organizing and conducting the activity.  Questions for the games are customized based upon your industry, products, brand and the target market.  These questions are interspersed with facts from history, the arts, current events and popular culture to make the event both entertaining and informative.

On the night of the event the quizmaster will help build teams of 3 to 8 people for a fun packed, competitive meeting.  To make things even more enjoyable you can offer prizes associated with your products or which carry your corporate brand.  Playing together in this fashion will not only inform you clients about the advantages your products have over the competition, it will also help build a relationship between your firm and your customers.

Advertising ROI

Many of TrivWorks’ corporate clients have found that experiential marketing in NYC provides a greater return on investment than traditional advertising venues.  For one thing, a trivia event is extremely affordable.  Budgets and venues are agreed upon in the very beginning, and a consultant will work with you to create a dynamic, fun-filled activity that fits within your specified parameters.  Another advantage is that these events are targeted toward current customers as well as potential clients who are most likely to need your products and services.  This selective approach is much more effective than blanketing an area with flyers and mailers – options that rarely reap more than a 1% return.

Are you ready to try an innovative approach to building brand awareness?  If so, contact TrivWorks and see what a trivia event can help improve your bottom line.

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