Don’t Take Work So Seriously. Add Fun To Your Team.

Fun is an important part of stress management.  Changing business conditions demand a lot from your team.  Extended work hours and stressful situations create negativity and gloom in the office.  You can help your team maintain a positive attitude by making fun a part of every work day.

Laughter, and even the anticipation of laughter, provide wonderful health and stress relief benefits for your team.  Shared moments of fun create a general feeling of happiness and the ability to overcome challenges together.  Here are some ways to add fun to the work day:

  • Jokes and Funny Comments:  While the topic of your next meeting may be serious, the conversation around it doesn’t have to be.  Consider adding a little humor through good-natured joking or a little sarcasm.  As people smile and laugh, their perspective will change from serious and negative to creative and collaborative.  Just try it!
  • Stay in the Moment:  Fun happens now.  Worry is a focus on the future and regret is a focus on the past.  Keep your team positive by keeping the focus on the current situation and ways to make positive improvements.  Resist the temptation to paint a negative picture, instead emphasize the issues you control and laugh about those that are totally outside anyone’s sphere of influence.
  • Create Positive Experiences:  Look for ways to enjoy each other.  A quick game of basketball after work, a trivia event or outing to a comedy night, a shared celebration in the break room…these experiences add fun to the office environment and give everyone a chance to relax and share a smile.

TrivWorks specializes in bringing fun to the workplace.  Our customized trivia events build team camaraderie and provide shared social time.  Our public comedy nights are a great way to reward the team after a difficult project or a stress filled work week.  Contact TrivWorks today to see how we can add smiles and laughter to your team.

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