Surprises: The Secret to Creating Memorable Team Building Events

Creating Memorable Team Building Events

Last night, TrivWorks had the honor of once again partnering with AdAge magazine to produce a fun, high-energy customized trivia night  – only this time, instead of a brand engagement event for their advertisers, we were tasked with creating a team building activity in NYC for their annual editorial staff retreat!

Since this would be the only opportunity for this particular group of employees to get together in person for the year – many had flown to the Big Apple from other parts of the country – AdAge wanted to do something extra-special to ensure that the event was as fun, memorable and impactful as possible. As such, in addition to multiple rounds of customized team trivia for the entire room and 1-on-1 “mini games” contests onstage in between rounds, we secretly arranged for TrivWorks “Special Host” Pat Kiernan to make a surprise appearance at the end of the event, to conduct a “showdown” grand finale between the top two teams!

The surprise went over incredibly well for this group of media professionals, and all of the participants were both shocked and delighted to see Pat appear onstage. It ended the trivia contest on such a high note, and the group went off to dinner in a buzz of excitement and enthusiasm.






The key to a successful team building activity is creating a positive shared experience, and there truly is nothing which works as well in doing that as a surprise. Team building gets a bad rap, and expectations among the attendees going into activities are generally low; however, if you can find a way to surprise your group – preferably through energetic and exciting means, which is specifically catered to them and their interests – you will be well on your way to creating a lasting memorable experience, which will be talked about long after the event is over!

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