Laughter Reduces Employee Stress

How can you keep your team functioning and the peak of productivity?  How can you lessen the impact of stress on your employees?  Studies show that laughter produces long lasting positive health benefits and increases productivity long term.

Children laugh an average of 400 times per day.  Adults, on the other hand, laugh roughly 15 times in a 24 hour period.  No wonder today’s workers are suffering from stress related health issues…they are taking themselves far too seriously!  A serious does of joy is the key to creating a positive perspective and team atmosphere in your workplace.

Laughter creates a stress relieving physical release and lightens the mood for everyone.  A good laugh creates endorphins, improving outlook for hours.  In fact, it’s almost as beneficial as exercise in enhancing mood and creating the capacity to focus on the task at hand.

Humor provides a lighthearted perspective even in the face of challenge.  It provides a connection with others, and is often contagious.  After a good natured joke or humorous comment, teams often experience a higher level of social interaction and collaboration.  The humor just leads to a desire to be kind and keep the good feelings going.

Is your team stressed out?  Contact TrivWorks today.  Let’s discuss how a trivia event can bring humor to your office or team environment and give everyone a positive perspective and welcome relief from stress and fatigue.

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