Do You Know How to Boost Employee Morale?

The workplace can be stressful, tedious, and frustrating on occasion throughout the day. Because of this, employee morale can drop and that could lead to a loss in productivity, high turnover, and a general feeling of discontent. As a business owner or a human resources manager, part of your job is finding ways to keep the workplace running smoothly and to keep employees working effectively. One of the best ways to do this is to ensure people are happy in their jobs.

“Laughter Is the best Medicine”

How much do we laugh as adults? It’s not nearly as much as children. If you think about it, unless they are sick or sleepy, children are happy and that means there has to be a link between laughter and overall wellbeing. In fact, studies have shown that people who laugh have lower levels of stress, feel more relaxed and comfortable, and can even concentrate more. Since adults only laugh a little more than a dozen times a day, we should all take a cue from the kids.

Implementing Laughter in the Workplace

You can see a correlation between keeping morale at your company high and using laughter as a tool. That doesn’t mean you should have someone telling all of your employees knock-knock jokes, though. Instead, there is a simple, team building way that you can get your whole company laughing, having fun, and relieving stress.

Using TrivWorks

Often, when things get the most stressful, you need to act quickly. In reality, when something difficult is going on at work, people just need a break, and they need to laugh. Ideally, they will share that laughter with their coworkers. The easy way to do this is through TrivWorks.

TrivWorks is an event that can come to your workplace and bring that laughter. Through a team event, your employees will get to compete with humorous and fun trivia questions, which will easily lower stress levels, ensure everyone is getting along, and build up office morale.

Not only will your employees welcome this break in their tedious day, but also, they will be able to work better together in the workplace once they have had to work together as
a team in a trivia event.

Studies show that employee morale will have a direct impact on how well they work at their job. When morale is low, mistakes are more common, turnover is higher, and employees may have more conflicts. You can build up your workers quite easily through a trivia event. Just bringing a little laughter will lighten the mood extensively. This type of team building exercise can have so many positive impacts that it can completely change the mood of your office. If you would like to schedule a trivia team building event for your own office, then contact TrivWorks today. TrivWorks knows how to get people laughing and ease the stress of a busy workplace.

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